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EDUC 2120-In Whose Honor 



This lesson had much to do with the understanding others feelings about there culture. The lesson desscuse about the Indian mascot in Illiniwek. You will also read about how I feel about how colleges uses Indians as a mascot. You will also read that there is such a thing called positive racial stereotype. Over all this is a great lesson that has a lot of  dierity in it.  

1. When the trustees and fans say that the portrayal of Chief Illiniwek is honorable, do you think they're sincere?

I would like to believe that the fans and the trustees were being honest. I don't believe that the fans and the trustees mean to offend anyone. I don't think that the people ever thought of the Indian mascot to bother anyone. I also think that the issue is not really an issue. The reason I say that is no one was trying to hurt anyone's feeling on purpose when making the masco


2. Who do you think should have the final say on whether something is prejudiced? Should it come down to whatever the target group thinks, so that people of color have the final say with respect to racism, women have the final say with sexism, and so forth?


I believe no one group should be able to say something is prejudice. I believe there should be more than one point of view on an issue. I also believe that if there is something really wrong that more than one group will stand up and make a different. I also believe that problems should be looked at more carefully before labeling it races or prejudice.


3. Can you imagine any other religious or spiritual figure being used at a half time event? If a rabbi or a priest wouldn't be acceptable, why is an Indian chief or a medicine man okay?


I can't imagine a priest as a mascot for a football team. The reason I cannot imagine a priest being a mascot is it's not mascot worthiness in my eyes. I believe a mascot must show strength and dangerous but brave. In the public eyes and my eyes I see the Indian as strong, dangerous and brave. This is why schools use the Indian as a mascot.


4. Why do you think caricatures such as Little Black Sambo and the Frito Bandito were banished long ago while the Cleveland Indian logo remains?


There are a few reason that the others mascots were banished. One of the reasons is the other mascots did not have a much support like the other team. I also believe that money has a lot to do with all of this. The reason the logo is remain is that the fans also have a say in the situation in a way. Then you have to think of how it would affect the production and sales if you banished the logo. Like I said, money helps everyone with choices.


5. At one point in the film, there's a poster with four pennants (the Pittsburgh Negroes, Kansas City Jews, San Diego Caucasians, and Cleveland Indians), with the line "Maybe now you know how Native Americans feel." Is there a double standard when it comes to Indian mascots, and if so, why does it exist?


I don’t think that there is a double standard at all. With what I understand about the statement, there is no double standard. All I can gather from this is that others like the Pittsburgh Negroes and the others know how it feels to be judge. The only thing I can get from this is that they made the point that they are not the only group that has had a hard time in the world.


6. Do you notice Indian names and stereotypes, or have you become deadened to them? For instance, when you see a TV commercial or magazine advertisement for Jeep Grand Cherokee, do you make the connection that Cherokee is the name of an Indian nation?


I don't notice Indians names. The reason I say that is I just found out Shania twain was an Indian name. She is a famous country singer. I do notice some stereotypes thou. I can tell if someone is in to Goth or if a person is a redneck. I believe that I have become numb to the issue of the Indians thou. The reason I have become numb to the Indian issues, Is because there is no issues about Indian where I live. I never thought of the Jeep Grand Cherokee as anything but a jeep. The first reason that I have never thought about how the Jeep having the name Cherokee in it, is because I don’t pay attention to advertisement or the commercials.


7. If you don't notice the use of a racial stereotype, is that a form of racism?


If a person does not have the knowledge of a racial stereotype, then it cannot be races. I believe that if a person does not notice a form of a racial stereotype then it is not even a problem. I think that people are over emotional and want to make things appear to be wrong, like the Indian mascot. I do not see anything to be races about the Indian mascot and I am Indian. I can understand that some people may see things negative and races, like the mascots, but in the end I see it as a mascot and nothing more.


8. Is there a difference between calling a team the "Redskins" and calling them the "Niggers," "Wops," "Kikes," or "Honkies"?


To me the word Redskins and Niggers are to different levels of rudeness. I think that there is a different between the word Redskins and Niggers to me. The reason I think there is a different between the two words is one is more offensive to me. I do not like the word Nigger at all. I believe that the word Redskin does not bother me because I do not hear it where I live.


9. Is the use of Indian mascots in schools a form of legalized discrimination against a minority group?


I do not believe that the form of an Indian mascot is a form of a legalized discrimination. Therefor I don’t believe any group is being discriminate if a mascot is an Indian. The reason a Indian mascot is not discriminating against a group is that people do not use the mascot in that form. Believe schools use mascots like Indians to be different and to tell other school they are tough and strong.


10. Why do you think it's so important to Illinois fans, alumni, and trustees to retain Chief Illiiwek as their mascot?


I honestly believe that the fans, trustees and alumni have a connation with the mascot. What I mean by connation is that the fans have become emotionally involved. Yes, I understand that sound crazy, but you have to remember this is football. I believe if someone changed the Georgia football mascot that there would be riots and other bad stuff that would happen. I also believe that people are upset that a group of people would think about them and there mascot as being racist.


11. One of the handouts discusses a "positive racial stereotype" - Is there such a thing as a "Positive Racial Stereotype"? Describe.


I believe that in some people eyes there is such a thing as a positive racial stereotype. I believe there is such thing is some situation. I do not believe that the Indian mascot is a positive racial stereotype. The reason I do not think that the Indian mascot is a positive racial stereotype is that I don’t think of the Indian mascot as being a stereotype.



I believe that this lesion was very interesting to me. I was surprised to find out that people were upset over a mascot. I would love to have my school mascot as an Indian. I also found it interesting that there is such a thing as positive racial stereotyping. To me, there is such a thing, but I would take the word racial out. I also thought the video was very educational and somewhat helpful to me



QuestionHow many Native Americans are there in America? How many tribes are there for Native Americans? What is the most well none native American Indian?


I found out that there are 5.2 million Native Americans that live in the America. They made up two percent of the American population in 2012. Alaska is where most of the American and Alaska Indian live. I also found out that there is more than one race in the Native Americans. There are 562 federally recognized tribes in the United States. Tribes in America were and are given recognition because treats from the pass that was passed by congress. The most well know Indian tribe is Navajo. Then the second well known is the Cherokees.







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