Destinee Cason
EDUC Lesson Four - Clasa and SES
Lesson four is about the understanding of the SES system in America. You also will read about the class in America. You will learn about the difference between classes in America. You will also get a better understanding what the middle and poor class have to deal with. You will read about how school systems are affected because of the area the schools are located. You will also learn that families are much different by their education, job, and other stuff just by where they live.
1. How is SES measured? Explain.
SES is measured by the five things. The SES measures the income of family’s, there education, there job or career, the neighborhood and the political power .The SES measured the five things I stated above to see if a family is in the high or low SES. To be in the high SES you will be more likely to have a good income, went and graduated from college. You will also be in a good neighborhood. A person in the high SES will have a good job. Finally a person is more likely have position in the community where they live. A family that is measured as low SES usually did not go to college they do not live in a good neighborhood. Their income is not that high and their job they have is not the greatest. The family also has no effect in the community they live in.
2. Describe at least 2 negative effects of low SES.
The first negative effect of a low SES is children are more likely to not go to college. This is a really bad thing. The reason that they will not go to college is their parents did not go to college so they will usually not go either. Another reason is the school system that are a low SES has not as much influences on children then a school that has a high SES. Second negative effect is more crime in a childes life. Children that are brought up in a low SES are proven to have seen more crime. To me this will have a large negative effect on the children that are exposed to the crime. I also believe that they may do crime sense they are around it all the time.
3. Describe some of the differences concerning education and student achievement levels in Low SES families versus High SES families
.Low SES education does not have a large graduation rating versus a high SES. The reason that is, teachers are not as welled trained. There is also the thought that the parents are not that involved in their childes life. Children then are less likely to care about graduation because their parents don’t care. Schools that are in a neighborhood with a high SES do not have the same problem with graduation ratings. Also low SES schools have trouble getting the homes of students to help with their children’s education. The parents don’t take time to read to them or help them with their homework because in some case they don’t know how to do the work. Schools with high SES do not have the same problem with parents.
4) Describe some options that are available for Low SES families concerning education.
Low SES families can improve their children education by enrolling them in the Head Start program. This is a program that gets little kid ready for school. It is proven that kids that are put in head start are better at math and reading. They are also have a better chance of going to college. Low SES family can also read to the children instead of watching T.V all the time. The parents can help them read and do what they can to make sure their child’s school is not effect badly.
5) Explain how socioeconomic status determines the economic conditions of persons.
They socioeconomic status determines the economic conditions of a person by their education. If a person has gone to college and got a degree they are more likely in a high SES. For those that do not have a college degree are more likely in the low SES. They also can determine the economic conditions of a person by what kind of neighborhood they live in. If you live in a neighborhood that is considered low SES then you will have a high chance as being considered low SES. The SES can also determine the economic condition of person by the job they have.
6) Can a person change their SES? If so, describe how. If not, describe why not.
Yes, a person can change their SES. If a person decides to go back to college and get a degree then they can change their SES. I am not saying it is easy to change your SES but it is possible. I am not sure if there is another way of changing your SES. A person could also lose their job and become poor. That is another way a person can change their SES. Many people to day I believe are in the area of middle and low SES. The reason I believe that is because of the economy.
7) Concerning the YouTube video, describe what you learned.
I knew that the middle class was not that well off. I didn’t know that the middle class was almost in the same bucket as the poor class. I also found out that the rich people are not at all well off as they use to be. Only the ten percent of rich people make the big money. I learned that we are in big trouble when it comes to the economic classes. It looks to me that economic class will only come to poor and rich if things don’t change.
This lesion made me look at what SES class I was in. I was not surprised to realize I was in the middle. I can’t understand why there is still a low SES. I would think that someone out there could realize that a cycle is happening. The SES haves all the answers to why there is a low SES. So why do they not break the cycle? I also think that people today are not really aware about the economic classes
Research Question
Why is the economy so bad?
I found out that the economy is bad because we are not recovering fast enough. So if we don’t recover fast then it affects everything else. So for unemployment, it is still down. The reason is we are not bouncing back from the rescission. Yes there has been worse rescission like in the 80’s. We have to think thou; we have developed far from the 80’s. Many things have also affected the economy like oil, car industry and of course we all want to point fingers to the president. Well I learned that the oil and the car industry never recover from the rescission from the 80’s go figure. There for it really has not help the economy out. I also learned in my class that the president did not make the whole problem in one night. I learned it has developed over the years. So let’s not point at the presidents anymore. Work cited: