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Destinee Cason
EDUC 2120 Five _ Stereotypes, Gender and Culture.
In this lesson you will read my thoughts on what stereotyping is. You will also learn the different between prejudice and stereotype. You will also read about my thoughts on how stereotyping is wrong and harmful. This lesson also talks about stuff that is sexist in the public’s eyes. Over this entire lesson is very education and can give a person a better understanding on stereotypes.
1) Describe some common American stereotypes. Explain your perspective on the stereotypes you described.
One American stereotype is that we are fat. Many people look at use overweight people, which is somewhat true. Americans are also blue eyed and blond. To many people that is what a true American girl looks like. Another stereotype is that we are to load. This is also true about us. Over all we are all different so I don’t understand why all of us are like one of the characteristic that I discussed.
2) Do you or have you ever stereotyped someone? Explain.
I do stereotype people. Am I proud of it? NO , but I still do it without thinking about it sometimes. I find myself saying a person is a hooker if they dress really trashy. I know this is very wrong. I try not to stereotype people but it is hard. I think I have stereotype because it’s what I have learned growing up.
3)3. Is there a difference between stereotype and prejudice? Explain.
Stereotyping is when you judge someone for the way they look. For example, you see a guy with purple hair and a lot of pierces in Wal-Mart. The first thing that may cross your mind is that the guy is weird or that he is Goth. Being prejudice is almost the same as stereotyping someone. The different is that prejudice is when you don’t like a person for the color of their skin or the way them live their life.
4) “There is nothing wrong with stereotyping people”. React to this statement.
I believe the statement above is wrong. It is wrong to stereotype anyone. First of all if you stereotype a person you can hurt a person feeling in many ways. Second of all you don’t know the person so you should not being judging them. Over all if you stereotype a person you are doing yourself harm. The reason I say this is because you are keeping yourself from learning different kind of people.
5) Can stereotyping be harmful or offensive? Provide an example.
I believe that stereotyping a person can be harmful and offensive. There are many reason that stereotyping can be offensive and harmful to people. First of all you can hurt a person emotional and mental mind set. You could also drive a person to killing there self. The reason that stereotyping is offensive is that you don’t know the person so you are judging them without knowing who they are.
6) Can stereotyping be good or positive? Provide an example.
I feel that stereotyping can never be a good thing or positive thing. I believe stereotyping is the opposite of good. I do understand that others may think different about stereotyping thou. The fact is that we all have opinions. It’s up to use to decide if we Want to use that opinion to hurt someone. I honestly believe that we should keep our thoughts of others to our self, so we won’t hurt others.
7) What did Nell’s (daughter of Jill Bates) teacher tell her when she lost a game at recess? Describe her mother’s reaction.
Nell’s pre-school teacher told her that she was to pretty to cry. The reason that the teacher did that is to keep the little girl from crying. I believe that there was nothing wrong with tell the little girl this. Jill Bates reaction was much different then any other mother I think. She told her daughter that it was okay to cry. The reason she told her daughter this is to let her know that being pretty has nothing to do with crying.
8) Regarding the “Anchor Woman” video – Provide your opinion concerning this video.
I believe that the woman was very professional of how she reacted. I also believe that it was wrong for a person to send an email to her. What made the situation even out rages is that the person never watcher that news program. This video shows that the world has not come to understanding that everyone is different. I also believe that this video show that we are to focused on others people’s lives and the way that others look.
9) Regarding the “Top 10 sexist Moments” – Provide your opinion concerning this article.
I don’t believe that the “Top 10 sexist Moments” were all that sexist. Yes, I understand that some of them were out there. Unfortunately, I did not see the article to be all that sexist. I believe that the media made the moments that is in the article to seem sexist then they are. I believe that the article was over examined in my point of view.
10) Provide your comments concerning the video “How the Media has Failed Women”.
At first I thought the video was somewhat funny. Then I seen the modal was recreated. This was very shocking to me. I believe that women are used in the media in this form for a couple of reasons. First of all men enjoy seeing women half way naked. Second of all half naked women seem to get people’s attention and their money. The last reason is that no one has made much of a big deal to stop the way women are looked at. I’m not saying that women should be looked at as candy but I am saying as women if we want this to stop we have to take it into our own hands.
I really enjoyed this lesson. I learned a lot about sexist. I also enjoyed the videos. I believe that this lesson opened my eyes about how women are being looked at. I also enjoyed watching the funny video about the totally biased culture.
Research Question
How many Americans are overweight?
What is the reason for Americans being overweight? There are more than two – third of adults in America that are overweight today. Children in America are also becoming overweight. One –third of children that are in school are overweight. In the south and the Midwest is where the rates of being overweight are the highest. I found that African-Americans and Hispanics are more like to be overweight. There are many reasons for American being overweight. One of the reasons is that Americans are exposed to huge food portions. There is also the fact that it is hard to get health food. There for people have to eat unhealthy. The others reason is that people do not have enough time to work out. The other reason is that price for healthy food cost more than the unhealthy food.
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