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  In lesson two you will read about segregation. You will also learn about how proms make other students feel and why some may not feel as welcomed as others. You will finally learn that today there are still segregated proms in the United States. The lesson over all is to learn that everyone is equal and that segregation is not right.

EDUC 2120 Lesson Two - Ethnicity and Race

.1. Why do some students not feel welcome at their high school proms?


   Students are individuals; therefore, their views on things will be different from others. I believe some students feel unwelcome to their own prom because, the prom may only apple to a specific group. For example, a student that comes from a religious back ground and know that the prom will be unacceptable to her views will not go. I also believe that racism place a large part on this problem. I also think that some students may not feel welcome to their school prom if the majority of the students are a different race then them.


2. What could school officials do to ensure that the needs of a diverse group of students are met at school proms and other school activities?


   I believe that the students are more of the solution then the officials. The officials could tell the student body to accept the other students in their activity but that does not mean it will happen. The officials could makes it were the prom are more welcoming to other students like gays, lesbians and transgender students. I also believe that the students of schools must be more accepting as well. I believe the only way all students will be able to go to prom together is if they accept each other. I believe that if both the student body and the officials work together, then proms around the United States will be more welcoming. 


3. Would you ever be in favor of a segregated prom? Why or why not?


    I would never at all be in favor of a segregated prom. I strongly believe segregated proms are insulating to me and to everyone else. The reason I would not be in favor of segregated proms is that I don’t believe that there should be anything segregated. I was raised to love everyone, and that God loves everyone. I believe having segregated proms are really not fare to other students. Segregated proms are still happening today which is a total surprise to me. To me segregated proms are a slap in the face to history.


4. Regarding the Hate map, select Georgia in the state text box - a list of current hate groups will be provided. By clicking on some of the hate groups, provide a description of at least two (2) different types of hate groups that are still in existence and why they were formed. You might want to provide a location as well as a description. The response to this question should be at least two (2) full paragraphs.


   The first group that I found was in Brunswick Ga. The group is called Knight Riders Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The hate group is also known as the KKK. The KKK is the oldest hate group in America. The group was created to attack the black man. The KKK also targeted the gays, Jews, immigrants and lesbians. They group was very violent in the early years. Today they are known for just being a group that committed many bad things to incent people. The other hate group I found was in my own city. They call them self the Nation of Islam. They are located in Waycross Ga. The Nation of Islam believes that they are Gods chosen people. They also are anti-gay, anti-Semitic and also anti-white. The group was created to oppose mixed marriage and desegregation. The Nation of Islam has become one of the wealthiest African American groups. They are in my eyes the black KKK. The Nation of Islam believes that America should separate blacks and whites all together.



Summery My feelings were really brought up when I did this lesson. I really enjoyed talking about how I felt about segregation proms. I was shock to find out they still had segregated proms. I also enjoyed looking at the hate map. I did not realize how many different hate groups there was in Georgia. I also learned that there is a hate group in my own little town. I overall loved this lesson.    


     Research Question: Why are segregated proms still around and how is it allowed? I found that most high school in the south stick to old ways. I have learned that the main reasons for still having segregated proms are because of the parents. Parents believe that having segregated proms are better for their teens. They also say that it is tradition. I believe that they do this because they are stuck in the past. The students of the schools are standing up for there right. The students are now taking action in Wilcox county High school to stop having segregated proms. The reason that there are segregated proms is because of the parents and officials. The reason that it is allowed is because the white proms and black proms are privet events. This means that they can decide who they can invite. Cite :

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