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Destinee Cason
EDUC 2120 Lesson Seven - Culture of Education
This lesson is about the understanding of the school systems standards and principles. You will read about the three principles crucial for the human mind to flourish. You will read my opnion on the school system in America. You will also read about other school system and how they are different from ours.
1. Ken Robinson outlines three principles crucial for the human mind to flourish. In your own words, describe EACH one.
The first principle is that human beings are naturally different and diverse. In my word I think it’s saying everyone is specially made. So that would mean they learned differently and have different their own way of doing things. The second principle that drives human life flourishing is curiosity. I believe that what he is saying is we are naturally born thinkers. There for that we are able to learn. Finally that human life is inherently creative. This to me means that we all have a different way at looking at stuff. Every person is creative, because they are not going to have the same mind as the person next to them.
2.How does our current culture of education work against these principles? Describe.
First of all, teachers the school system looks at all students as being the same. That is wrong, because many children learn differently. This is the first principle that Ken Robinson explains to us in his video. Another thing is we do not put much chose for the children to be curious. We tell them have a chance to discover stuff on their own in the class room. I am not saying let them be without a teacher, but I am saying let them figure out that have a chose in stuff.
3. Do you agree or disagree with Ken Robinson? Why or why not?
I agree with Ken Robinson. I believe that we don’t make our education creative and we don’t put time for individuality in the class room. I also believe that testing is important. On the other hand testing is what we basically look for in school. We should not have that. I also believe that children are not learning, yes teacher might teach but the children are not learning. I also believe if we changed some of our ways of teaching, that the dropout rate would not be so great in numbers.
4. In your opinion, describe ONE of the most important things you could "take-a-way" from this talk
I believe Mr. Roberson could have not talked about No Child Left Behind. I truly believe that in some cases, that it helps children out. I do not understand why he would have made fun of a program that helped me and many others that I know. I believe that the point of the program was to help all the children. As Americans we should know that it is impossible to do so. To me this program was for children that wanted the help that was being provided.
I really enjoyed watching the video. I also am glad to see that I am not the only person that thinks standard testing is over used in the USA. I also liked how Mr. Robinson explained how the other country does stuff. I also enjoyed learning that there is a way to better our children education. Over all believe that this lesson taught me much on our education system.
Research Question
What does Finland schools do different then America?
I found that children in Finland do not start school till they reach the age of seven. Americans start from the age four and must be enrolled by the age of six. I also learned that Children in Finland do not take test or do homework until they are teenagers. Americans students on the other hand start doing homework in first grade. Finland children also get 30 percent extra help during their first nine years of school. To me this is a wonderful idea. Also Finland children get 75 minutes of recess. I really wished as a child that my school gave that much time for recess. Americans schools recess averages at least 27 minutes a day. I also learned that there school system works so well tha93 percent of Finns graduate from high school. This is 17.5 percent higher then the US. Read more: Read more:
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