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Destinee Cason
EDUC 2120-Diversty Paper.
This paper is over my experience in the CCA Prison that my mother works. You will learn what my view is on diversity in the prison. You will also read my thoughts on individual that are in prison.
On Friday April 4, 2014, I went with my mother to her work at CCA. My mother is a case manager for the prison. When I first walked in to the front desk I had to take my shoes off and my watch. The lady in the front desk patted me down to make sure I did not have anything that was not meant in the prison. The front desk was bright with a lot of sun light. When I was clear to go tour the whole prison, I was introduced to an officer. I asked the officer many questions about his thoughts of the prison and the people that are in the prison. One of the questions that I asked was “ do you think that the prisoners here that go to class are there to learn?” He replied with “ some do but most of them go to class to kill time.” We walk the hallway that had no windows. The prison was a depressed place to be in. I was very nervous to talk to the prisoners. When I finally got to talk to the prisoner Bj, he was very happy to talk to me. He told me that he was locked up in prison for kid napping, robbery, and other charges. I asked him if he finished high school. He explained to me that he was sixteen when he got in trouble with the law. I asked him if he was taking GED classes at the prison. He replied with “yes, but I am having trouble understanding the math” Then I went on and asked him if other ethnicity get along with each other. He told me not that much. I was not allowed to be in the prison for a long time so my interview was cut short. I then was able to talk to the investigator of the prison. He was very helpful in answering my questions. His name is Tim Sweat. I asked him what he thought about diversity in the prison. He told me that in prison that people change there was to be safe. That a person may come to prison that was a Christian but will become a Muslim when they see that it will keep them safe.I personally thought that my tour of the prison was very interesting but was very depression. The people that are in there are there for a reason. I think that the diversity in the prison is three times different then out side of the walls of the prison. My reactions to Bj’s answers were not that shocking. I did realize that many people that worked out there were not happy with their job. I believe that a prison is a place that can take hope out of a person even if there are not behind bars. I believe that this experience in the prison makes me be thankful for my good judgment on the things I do and that I am not in there. I also believe that I can tell students about what prisons are like and what they are for if I am ever asked. I believe that this project was very valuable to do me. This project was very interesting and I enjoyed doing something new with my Friday morning. I also think it valuable because it should me a different side of life. I believe that much of Gollnick text proved was right for the out side world. I believe that the diversity in the prison was more extreme then what we see in the world or what we read In a textbook.
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